8 Steps to a Smooth Summer

The Blog

Is your summer feeling easy breezy, or is a bit of chaos creeping in?

After the burst of euphoria from ditching homework and responsibilities, we can scatter in too many directions, skip sleep, eat junk …. maybe even fill our minds with crazy cat videos.

Yes, it’s nice to have a break, a staycation. In fact, brain research shows we get a rush of feel-good dopamine from new experiences of any kind!

But, we also need a daily routine to help us to feel more in control and be more prepared for the next school year. Routine also reduces stress levels and helps us sleep!

So, I recommend a summer schedule to all of my clients. 

????️ Here’s my proven plan for a successful schedule:

  1. Make child-specific daily schedules (here’s a free template). 
  2. Schedule bed-times. If appropriate, use staying up late as an incentive.
  3. Add fun, outside time, and lots of movement!
  4. Assign family contributions (aka chores) with a specific time so they get done!
  5. Try to review one academic subject daily.
  6. Schedule at least 15 minutes of independent, age-appropriate activity. Mom and/or Dad need a break, too! 
  7. Include caregiver (Mom, Dad, Grandparent, Nanny, etc.) work time on the schedule – you don’t want to have clashing zoom dates or a vacuum running while you’re on a call! 
  8. Take a few moments at the end of the day to sort out what worked and what didn’t.  Focus on progress, not perfection. 

???? Post your schedule in a spot where everyone can see – maybe even in two places, like the kids’ bathroom and the kitchen. 

You did it! Congratulations!

Put a reminder in your calendar 3 weeks before school starts to slowly adjust the schedule to retrain them for school.

In case you missed it, heres a daily schedule template. 

Linking Your Child to Academic Success and Self-Confidence.


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