6 Most Important Questions for Your Next IEP Meeting

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Here are the 6 most important questions to ask in your next IEP meeting. (IEP stands for Individualized Education Plan.)

The three most important parts of the IEP meeting are the:

  1. Goals
  2. Accommodations and/or modifications
  3. The amount of time your child receives services and the details of how and where those services will be delivered.

So, the questions to ask and get answered are:

  • What are the goals and benchmarks for the IEP? Ask them to explain the vocabulary that you are not familiar with.
  • How do you communicate to the parents/home if the benchmarks are not being met?
  • Who will be doing the instruction directed toward the goals?
  • Will the instruction be delivered in a small group or in the classroom?
  • If it is in a group, try to understand more about the group and whether you think your child is a good fit for that group.
  • How much time will my child be given for each learning challenge?

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