Linking your child to academic success and self-confidence

International Dyslexia Association

I don't believe in a one-size-fits-all education. Instead, I meticulously craft custom strategies tailored to each student's distinct learning style and natural talents.

As a result, my clients (both children and adults) have mastered the skills to manage a wide range of learning challenges, including ADHD, reading and math disabilities. 

And, perhaps even more important, they leave my practice with increased self-confidence, the love of learning, and the skills to advocate for their educational needs.

Ready to chart a course to success?

Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Hi! I'm Maria Fagan Hassani. Think of me as your academic guide and ally.

Unlock Your Unique Learning Power

Blueprint for Parents

Say goodbye to your child's unwavering opposition to non-preferred activities! These proven tactics will help your child develop flexibility and  improve your relationship.

Send me the Blueprint.

4 Steps to Break Through Your Child's Resistance  with School

I recommend Maria to any parent of a child with ADHD, deficits in auditory processing, or executive functioning skills.

She effectively and supportively helps children learn.

-Ruth G.

I'm an adult struggling with processing information, essay writing, and organizing information.

Maria helped me manage school assignments and master time management in a safe space.

-Alli W.

I recommend Maria to parents who need to better understand their child's  reading challenges and learn specific strategies to support them.

She's invested in my daughter's success. 

-Jason K.

Peace of Mind is
a Phone Call Away

We'll discuss your concerns and opportunities.  If we're a fit, great!

 If not, I'll do my best to refer you to the right professional for you. 

Schedule a free consultation.