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I have a virtual reading coming up on Sunday, April 7th from 2:00-4:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) for a one-woman show I just finished writing. While the script for my show Atypical Grace is complete it is still a work in progress and this reading is intended for my director and me to get feedback so […]
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Here are the most important parts of an IEP meeting, and the questions to ask during them.
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Surprises and challenges are much easier to handle when you have the skills of mental fexibility and response inhibition. Learn more about these skills in this video.
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Get tips and tricks that help your child focus and stay-the-course until they reach their goals.
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Lighten your mental load and get a clear head with my tried and true practices.
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It’s especially important to keep an eye on your child’s reading skills in Kindergarten through Second grade. Here are some signs you may need support to catch up to the average reading skill level — which you CAN with the right help!
Say goodbye to your child's unwavering opposition to non-preferred activities! These proven tactics will help your child develop flexibility and improve your relationship.
For each client, regardless of age, the relationship begins with a complimentary 30-minute consultation.
We'll discuss your situation and optimal next steps, whether you are an adult client or a child's guardian.
If Learning Link isn't the best option, I'll refer you to helpful professionals.
We'll discuss your concerns and opportunities. If we're a fit, great!
If not, I'll do my best to refer you to the right professional for you.